DUI & Criminal Defense

How We
Can Help

Our goal is to create an atmosphere that takes the stress away from our clients. We take great pride in providing quality legal services and exceptional customer service every single day. We’re here to support you through some of your toughest times and hopefully make a daunting process easier to navigate.

Having an experienced attorney is necessary to protect your rights and maintain your freedom. A person that is being investigated or facing charges should contact us as soon as possible so we can take proactive step to prevent any violation of your rights.

We provide zealous representation for all our clients. If you believe you are being investigated, we can step in to strategize a legal defense to minimize the impact on your livelihood and freedom.

DUI & Criminal Defense

Driving Under the Influence

Being cited for P.C. §23152 (a) and/or (b) – also known as a DUI – can be very daunting. DUIs can be associated with fines, fees, and/or jail time. There are many procedures that police officers must follow in order to successfully prove these charges. Furthermore, we will evaluate your case with a fine-tooth comb to ensure every option is explored for your defense.

How to know which dUI Attorney is right for you?

  • What is your success rate in DMV Hearings?
  • What are the 3 main NHTSA recognized Field Sobriety Tests?
  • What is the Chemical Admonishment?
  • What is Retrograde Exploitation and how does it affect your case?
  • What do the following phases mean: Absorption, Plato and Elimination Phase?

know your rights

It is crucial for anyone being investigated or facing criminal charges to know their rights. We are here to help and defend your rights. If you are being investigated it is imperative to consult with an attorney before making any statements, as they can be used against. As an adult that is not on probation has a right to refuse any preliminary alcohol test and remain silent when being investigated for a DUI. However, you must submit to a (Chemical Test) if you are being arrested for a DUI. Please contact us immediately if you have been charged or being investigated for any criminal matters.

We will help you every step of the way

Get connected with an experienced DUI & Criminal Defense attorney Today!